Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Thanks for all the prayers. I am not employed at a local college. This my last week of vacation! I start on Monday. I am so excited. I can't hardly wait. I've been praying about going back to work for several months and the Lord just opened the doors. I am very excited about the ladies I'm going to be working with, they seem very nice and I think we'll have a great time. Keep Mac in your prayers too, he's working hard for a friend at church who flips houses and we're trying to figure out what we're going to do with the girls and all that kind of stuff. I started back to the gym this week. I've gone 2 days... and walked 2 miles each day. I'm going to start off walking for 30 minutes and see how that goes. I just don't have a lot of free time to spend hours at the gym. I don't like exercising!! I do, but I don't. I don't like doing it for hours upon hours. I can handle it for 30 minutes!! Well, that is all the news I have for now.


The Burleys said...

Congratulations, Jess! Welcome back to the work world! YAY! God answers prayers!

Adriennealine said...

I hope Monday comes soon and is GREAT for you! I'll be in touch eager to know how it goes!