Friday, August 17, 2007

End of my first week

I made it through my first week. I have had a lot of fun and met a lot of nice people. I did get to do a little bit of work - a postcard, newspaper ad and started a logo, and revisions to an annual application. It has been a slow process this week, I still don't have my office keys, or email or my account to access all the info I need. oh well, I just take one day at a time.

My wonderful friend Adrienne has tagged me to list my top simple pleasures and I think Heather did too so I guess I'll write them down....
1. Mocha Frap (frappuccino)
2. sitting alone in a warm bubble bath
3. Chocolate
4. leaving the gym after exercising
5. sitting on the couch in a quiet home (after the girls are asleep REALLY)
6. Strawberries
7. Watching horses run in a field
8. Shopping online or in the stores...I just like to shop w/o my children!
9. Being a member of the "Car Choir" (ie. singing in the car) - just like Adrienne
10. Seeing Kaylee smile with her 3 teeth showing!!!

Here is the info for Heather...

Four jobs I have had:

1. Graphic Designer - Trade Publication
2. Graphic Designer - Lamar Advertising
3. Freelancer - Prestige Graphic Design
4. Graphic Artist - TriCounty

Four places I have lived:
1. Williamston, MS
2. Anderson, SC
3. Batesville, MS
4. back to Williamston

TV shows:
1. Greys Anatomy
2. Ugly Betty
3. American Idol
4. Deseparate Housewives

1. Pizza
2. Cheesecake
3. strawberries
4. Chinese - honey chicken

I would rather be:
1. Shopping with an endless supply of money
2. in Hawaii
3. Anywhere romantic with my husband
4. The beach – any beach

Favorite movies:
1. Pride & Prejudice - new version
2. Pirates of the Caribbean movies
3. Gone with the Wind
4. Pretty Woman


Adriennealine said...

Okay, how was the end of your second week? :)

Jill said...

glad your new job is going well. i'm so proud of you! i'll be down the week of Oct 20th to visit for two weeks. we'll catch up then.

Adriennealine said...

Ahem,… or maybe how your THIRD week is going?