Friday, July 27, 2007

It's Friday...

Well, today is Friday and all is well. I had a most delightful lunch with my old college roommate, Heather. It was so fun catching up. I mean, we live 15 minutes from each other and this is probably the 3 or 4 time I've seen her in 5 years. We are so bad!! I've got to be a better friend. I had my second interview yesterday and it went really well. The lady and I had really good conversation and I learned more of what the job entailed and that kind of thing. She said they were very close to a decision and I should hear something next week. She called today to get a few more references, so if she calls you, be honest and tell her how GREAT I am!! Hahahahah! We are expecting some friends from MS, but I haven't heard of their arrival yet. They should be here, but I'm at home letting my rug rats rest. They have VBS tonight and need the rest or the teachers might not get anything accomplished. Oh, I finally finished my book Pride & Prejudice today. It is so good. It just makes me want to watch both of my movies again. I have the new one and the old one. I just love them both!! Now I'm going to start another Jane Austen novel, Emma. I know nothing about it. I'm very excited. I've heard good things. So, it should be good. I think I'll call and see if Mandy and Kayla have arrived and get my things together so when the girls wake, we can go see them. Have a great day.

1 comment:

The Burleys said...

Our lunch was definitely "delightful"! I had fun ... we'll have to do it again soon!